Issue #2
JULY 11, 2022


The pulse of Oncology Compass
New feature
Introducing: Extended Study Summaries
Melanoma Indication Soon
To Be Added
Why Takeda Joins OC
Interview with Dr. Viktor Pavelić – Medical Lead for Oncology, Plasma-Derived Therapies and Rare Diseases at Takeda Switzerland
from the Editorial TEAM
“We are living in interesting times with regard to cancer research. In the last few years, new research findings and discoveries have made us realise that there is no one-size-fits-all approach and that we are moving towards personalised treatment.”
One of the biggest challenges in oncology is the creation of treatments against the many different cancer types. This difficulty drives cancer research in the direction of a personalised approach for each individual patient and their cancer. Hence, expectations in cancer research are high, both by clinicians and patients. With early results of innovative therapies being impressive, I am optimistic that we are getting closer to offering real hope to cancer patients.

This leads me to share exciting news: Oncology Compass is growing! We are expanding the platform to distribute recent research and congress literature about melanoma, which is selected by the highly respected new members of the scientific board, introduced on 
page 5. With Takeda joining the Oncology Compass sponsors, we are pleased to share an interview of our own Roland Schäfli (Head of Content at Capptoo AG) with Viktor Pavelić, PhD, and Medical Lead for Oncology, Plasma-Derived Therapies, and Rare Diseases at Takeda Switzerland, on the reasons behind their move to support the Oncology Compass platform. Moreover, the Oncology Compass team recently joined the Pharma Multi Channel Excellence conference in London to continue the dialogue about engaging communication in cancer research and making Oncology Compass more known and accessible to the wider Pharma network.

I am touched by the fact that cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide. My personal goal is to improve communication about cancer research. I am excited to have joined Capptoo AG as part of the content team on this journey.
Dr. Annefleur Langedijk
Medical Writer, Capptoo AG
User Data

Platform Stats in Q2 2022

14 scientific leaders
selected practice-relevant publications for lung, renal, esophageal and gastric cancer.
new board members
Prof. Reinhard Dummer

MD, Professor at University Hospital Zürich
Dr. Lara Valeska Maul 
MD, Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Basel (USB)
Dr. Berna Özdemir
MD, University Hospital Bern


New users since January 2022

The number of oncologists using the platform continues to grow. We expect further growth in Q3 2022.


Total active users

We are proud that Oncology Compass is becoming an increasingly important tool for oncologists.
Users by place of work
Private practice
Small/Private Hospital
University/Cantonal Hospital
We are proud that Oncology Compass is becoming an increasingly important tool for oncologists.
Website Visitors
Avg. Session
3m 12sec
Sessions per Registered User
Avg. Session per Reg. User
3m 26sec
Avg. Session per Reg. User for Q2
3m 21sec
Need specific audience data?
Our data analysts will do their best to make it happen.
Contact Marija Galić for more info.
Development updates
New feature

Melanoma Indication Soon to Be Introduced on Oncology Compass

With melanoma incidence rising in developed, fair-skinned countries over the last decades and accounting for 1.7% of global cancer diagnoses [1], the team at Capptoo AG is excited to announce the introduction of the melanoma indication on Oncology Compass, which will be accessible in the next few weeks. MSD kindly supported the identification of 3 new melanoma expert scientific board members:

Prof. Reinhard Dummer (MD)

Professor at the University of Zurich and Vice-Chairman of the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital of Zürich, Switzerland. Head of the Skin Cancer Unit and the Clinical Trial Unit of the Department of Dermatology.

He has been President of the Melanoma Project Group of the Swiss Institute for Applied Cancer Research, is a past board member of the Society for Melanoma Research, and past President of the International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas. Founding and board member of the European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO), and past President of the European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR).

Dr. Lara Valeska Maul (MD, FEBDV)

Dr. Maul is a senior consultant at the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital Basel where she is the head of the dermato-oncology and the head of the outpatient unit. Her research focuses on AI-based imaging in early detection of melanoma, dermatoscopy and treatments in melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer. Researcher and co- investigator of several national and international studies.

Dr. Berna Özdemir (MD, PhD)

A consultant in medical oncology at the Lausanne University Hospital. Personalized oncology and immuno-oncology. She investigates sex differences in cancer development and outcome. Advocates that sex as an independent modulator of disease risk, drug efficacy and toxicity merits consideration for personalization of patient care and cancer prevention efforts. Board Member of the ESMO Gender Medicine Task Force and Director of Clinical Activities of the International Cancer Prevention Institute.
1. Saginala K, Barsouk A, Aluru JS, Rawla P, Barsouk A. Epidemiology of melanoma. Medical sciences. 2021 Oct 20;9(4):63.
Development updates
New feature

Extended Study Summaries Introduced on Oncology Compass

The team has worked very hard in the last few months to bring the extended study summaries to Oncology Compass. These documents, which are accessible as pdf in downloadable format, will make sure that the readers get the major information about the studies and their results. This includes information beyond the publicly accessible study abstract, as well as relevant figures and tables, but readers don’t need to access the full-text papers, which will be a major time-saver, particularly if they are hidden behind a paywall, which is a major roadblock to research consumption.
The team at Capptoo felt that by providing these summaries, a better user experience will be provided, making the process of reading the research much easier.
marketing efforts

New Social Media Campaign

The first social media campaign was launched in February 2022 with the goal of raising brand awareness across the target group of oncologists/pulmonologists. Two additional social media campaigns will be launching soon, one with the aim of increasing the number of subscribers to the platform. The other one will be to attract medical writers to help with creating practice-relevant content for the Oncology Compass platform.
The social media content is a combination of posts about the latest studies added by the scientific board, introducing new scientific leaders, and oncology congress announcements. We also provide a monthly newsletter to Oncology Compass subscribers, sharing the latest studies added.
platform promotion

Oncology Compass Was Brought to London

Capptoo’s CEO Dr. Christian Fillinger held a keynote speech on “How to generate real value for physicians – ask them” at the Pharma Multi Channel Excellence Conference in London on June 22, 2022. This presentation showcased the digital services that Capptoo AG is offering to pharmaceutical companies, with the Oncology Compass being presented as Capptoo’s pharma-related flagship project, which evolved out of closely listening to oncologists about what they needed in their daily practice to enhance their patient care.

The team at Capptoo is convinced that the Oncology Compass will prove to be a valuable new touchpoint for the marketing teams of pharmaceutical companies, which may result in new supporters for the platform.
Capptoo AG CEO Christian Fillinger and Mike Wagner (on the left), one of the organizers of the Pharma Multi Channel Excellence Conference in London.
This event was an important milestone for Capptoo AG and all oncologists and scientific board members who work for Oncology Compass, as the 35 attending global pharma brands were looking for innovative solutions, and Oncology Compass certainly qualifies in that category.
Interview with dr. Viktor Pavelić
Why Takeda joins the ranks of the main OC Sponsors
Roland Schäfli
Interviewer, Head of Content at Capptoo AG
Dr. Viktor Pavelić is Medical Lead for Oncology, Plasma-Derived Therapies and Rare Diseases at Takeda Switzerland.

He studied microbiology, holds a PhD in tumor immunology in Berne and has 14 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, of which more than 10 years have been in Medical Affairs positions.
“We are highly motivated to support meaningful initiatives that bring value to physicians and patients.”
R: Dr. Viktor Pavelić, Takeda is supporting Oncology Compass (OC) to create a space for the hematological malignancy, multiple myeloma. What was your company’s primary reason to join the ranks of our main Oncology Sponsors?
V: First of all, Takeda is a patient-focused, R&D-driven, global pharmaceutical company that is committed to bringing better health and a brighter future to patients. That’s why we are highly motivated to support meaningful initiatives that bring value to physicians and patients. The OC is a very valuable medical-scientific platform containing publications relevant for practice as well as the latest clinical data, selected by an independent board of physicians who are experts in that field.
R: So far, the platform has been focused only on solid tumors.
V: This is indeed important. The selection of the publications and latest clinical data is ensured by an independent board of clinical experts and thus, will be even more relevant and valuable to the HCP community.
“At Takeda, we are building a broad portfolio focused on immuno-oncology, which aims to harness the body’s immune system to find and kill cancer cells.”
R: I gather it was an important reason that the review board is absolutely independent?
V: This is indeed important. The selection of the publications and latest clinical data is ensured by an independent board of clinical experts and thus, will be even more relevant and valuable to the HCP community.
Viktor Pavelić at Takeda’s Office in Zürich, Switzerland

© Photo by Viktor Pavelić
R: Based on this premise, would you agree that more pharma companies should involve themselves in the Oncology Compass?
V: This is indeed important. The selection of the publications and latest clinical data is ensured by an independent board of clinical experts and thus, will be even more relevant and valuable to the HCP community.
R: You often interact with Oncologists in your daily work – what would your Oncology experts be looking for in the OC?
V: Oncology is a highly scientific and fast-moving field. Hence, in their daily practice oncologists are interested mostly in accessing data that is clinically meaningful and practically relevant for a certain cancer type. They want to do this in a consolidated way, getting data from the latest clinical trials presented at congresses that have an impact in daily practice for their patients now and in the future. The OC enables this in a quick, convenient and effective way. Especially in multiple myeloma, having such a fast-moving and complex treatment landscape, this is highly relevant.
R: Will you personally use the OC, Dr. Pavelić?
V: Oh, definitely. I’m very excited and looking forward to seeing which clinical data are perceived as most interesting and valuable from clinical and practical point of view for the HCP community and the patients.
Global Takeda headquarters in Tokyo

© Photo by Takeda
R: Regarding Takeda in the field of oncology, I noticed your pipeline. Are you plotting any groundbreaking new approaches to fight cancer?
V: Oncology is a highly scientific and fast-moving field. Hence, in their daily practice oncologists are interested mostly in accessing data that is clinically meaningful and practically relevant for a certain cancer type. They want to do this in a consolidated way, getting data from the latest clinical trials presented at congresses that have an impact in daily practice for their patients now and in the future. The OC enables this in a quick, convenient and effective way. Especially in multiple myeloma, having such a fast-moving and complex treatment landscape, this is highly relevant.
R: Takeda was founded over 240 years ago in Japan. It came to Switzerland in 1986. Is there anything specific how Japanese work culture influences how the Swiss branch operates?
V: Absolutely. I would especially highlight that we are living our set of values, the so-called Takeda-ism, our corporate philosophy. It comprises Integrity, Fairness, Honesty and Perseverance. And we bring these values to life through actions based on Patient-Trust-Reputation-Business, in that order. These principles are deeply ingrained in our ways of working and ensure that we’re doing the right things and putting the patient in the center of everything we do, at all times.
“At the end of the day, it’s all about bringing value to patients, and we are all fighting for the same cause.”
Takeda R&D Department, 1915

© Photo by Takeda

Thank you & see you in October!

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Oncology Compass is a service of Capptoo for physicians. The information contained therein reflects the independent opinion, expertise and experience of the scientific board. This view is not necessarily that of Capptoo.

We have no influence on the selection of publications referenced on the Oncology Compass website. Information related to any product(s) may not be consistent with the prescribing information.
Generously sponsored by
initiated by
owned by
Anne Jäkel
Senior Medical Writer
Annefleur Langediijk
Medical Writer
Nur Barlasakli
Medical Writer
Kristina Olujic
Medical Writer
Roman Kovbasyuk
Marija Galic
Social Media
Dejan Dragasevic
Roland Schäfli
Head of Content
Ana Najcer
Oncology Compass Coordination and Administration
Tanja Palm
Published by: Capptoo AG, Bleicherweg 10, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland.

Any text and design are the property of Capptoo AG. Any other use of the materials is prohibited unless Capptoo has previously agreed.